HTML to PDF Converter for .NET Icon

HTML to PDF Converter for .NET

The HTML to PDF Converter for .NET 2.0 library can be used to generate PDF docum

HTML to PDF Converter for .NETOverview

The HTML to PDF Converter library for .NET can be linked into any .NET application, either ASP.NET web sites or Windows Forms applications, to add HTML to PDF conversion capabilities to your application.
You can use the HTML to PDF Converter for .NET as general purpose tool for converting web pages and HTML code to PDF and images or you can use it as part of our .NET Reporting Toolkit to easily create PDF reports directly from ASP.NET pages and to benefit from the great power of standard ASP.NET databound server controls.
Easy integration, no installation or setup is necessary
Deployed as single strong named .NET 2.0 Assembly
Can be used from ASP.NET web sites
Can be used from Windows Forms and Console applications
Can be used from Web Sevices and Windows Services
Tested on all 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions
Convert a web page from a URL to a PDF document
Convert HTML strings, streams and files to PDF
Convert web pages to any image format
Convert HTML strings, streams and files to any image format
Full CSS and HTML support
Multithreading support
Support for Right to left (RTL) languages like Hebrew and Arabic
Generate a PDF document with searchable text and objects
Generate a PDF with an embedded image
C# and VB.NET full samples for ASP.NET and Windows Forms
ASP.NET 2.0 server control built on top of the library
Free Win32 html to pdf converter application built on top of the library
Set PDF compression level to reduce the PDF document size
Set PDF page size to a standard size (A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, Letter, etc)
Set PDF page size to a custom size in points
Set PDF page orientation (Portrait or landscape)
Add customizable header and footer to the generated document
Added the HtmlDocumentInfo property which can be used to get the title, description and keywords from the HTML document meta tags


Fixed some bugs.

HTML to PDF Converter for .NETInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows XP, 2000, 98
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
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